This policy applies to all members of Wrapture Beauty Academy (hereinafter referred to as “the College”) community including students, staff, faculty, administrators, contract service providers, contractors, officers, directors and individuals who are directly connected to any student initiatives, volunteers and visitors.
All members of the College community have a right to study and work in an environment free of sexual violence and sexual harassment, as well as treating those individuals who report incidents of sexual violence or sexual harassment with dignity and respect.
While anyone can be a target of sexual violence and/or harassment, the College recognizes that certain populations are at greater risk of sexual violence in Canada, including:
- Young women and girls.
- Indigenous women.
- Women living with cognitive or physical disabilities.
- Individuals within the LGBT2SQ+ community.
- Newcomer women and women from ethnocultural and racialized communities.
We recognize that many of our students attending Private Institutions fall within these populations and we want to emphasize that it is our intent to assure a positive learning environment for all our students regardless of what population(s) they may belong to. To address this we have called upon members from all populations in the development of this policy.
The purpose of this policy is to articulate the College’s position with respect to sexual violence and establish a formal response protocol for disclosures of incidents of sexual violence.
Click here to view our full Sexual Harassment and Prevention Policy